Thursday 18 January 2018

Foolish Hearts, Book Review

Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills

Rate: 4/5
Goodreads Summary:
The day of the last party of the summer, Claudia overhears a conversation she wasn't supposed to. Now on the wrong side of one of the meanest girls in school, Claudia doesn't know what to expect when the two are paired up to write a paper—let alone when they're both forced to try out for the school production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

But mandatory participation has its upsides—namely, an unexpected friendship, a boy band obsession, and a guy with the best-dimpled smile Claudia's ever seen. As Claudia's world starts to expand, she finds that maybe there are some things worth sticking her neck out for.

Thoughts and Opinions

Foolish Hearts
            I came about this book from my OwlCrate Seize the Day box, and I am glad I did. Usually, when I'm in a reading slump, I go to contemporary books cause they're mostly easy to read and easy to get into. As far as contemporary books go, it's pretty predictable, but I enjoyed reading it anyway. 
            Basically, this book is about Claudia, our MC, who was unfortunately at the wrong place at the wrong time. By that, I mean, all she wanted to do was use the washroom at a summer party until she overheard a couple arguing and pretty much was present during the whole break up. So ya, way to end the summer and start her senior year. Anyways skip to her English class where she gets paired up with Iris, the same girl who's breakup she overheard (who is the meaner and scarier one out of the couple) and they work on an essay which they do badly on. They now have to get involved with the boy's school, Danforth Prep on their performance for A Midsummer Night's Dream in order to earn extra credit... There begins the adventure of Claudia meeting new people (perhaps a possible boyfriend?) and making friends with unexpected people. 
            What I enjoyed about this book was the whole idea of getting out of your comfort zone and making new friends in unexpected places with unexpected people. I loved how there was character growth in not just Claudia, but also for the rest of the minor characters. I enjoyed Iris's arc though because I didn't peg her to be a boy band fanatic, and she turned out to be a great friend. Aaaaww Gideon, he's a sweetie. I pretty much fall in love with every character the MC falls in love with too. Because really, who wouldn't want a loyal friend? 
            I think what I really enjoyed most about this book was how light and easy it was. It didn't take too long to get into it and there were funny moments which made me laugh. Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who is up for a quick read.

Monday 15 January 2018

OwlCrate December Box: Seize the Day!

OwlCrate December Box, What's Inside?!

Initial thoughts upon receiving the box: 
            Ever since I started Bookstagramming and blogging, I've seen OwlCrate on my feed and I've been following them for a while now. I've been wanting to get one, but I could never really afford one cause of the conversion rates and the shipping costs. Fortunately, I recently got a part-time job, and it felt like I had to do something HUGE about getting my first paycheck. So I finally decided to face the music and it felt right to get a subscription box. And well... here I am.

How I decided to get a subscription:
  • Like I said earlier, I've been thinking a lot about getting a subscription box, so I contemplated it for a while.
  • There are a lot of subscription boxes out there that I do not doubt are all amazing so I made a list of different subscription boxes and see which one caters to me more.
  • I did a lot of research and by research, I mean watching a lot of YouTube videos of different unboxings. 
  • I also looked at the prices and how the conversion rates would affect me, I live in Canada and most boxes are either in the US, London, or Australia. International shipping was something I put into consideration as well. 
  • After weighing each of the options and which would cost less, but also be packed with great goodies, I decided to go with Owlcrate.

What's inside the box;
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  • An exclusive magnet by Ink & Wonder Designs that says "If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself" - Rick Riordan.
  • Exclusive wooden ornament by Juniper & Ivy Designs inspired by Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon, with the inscription "Love is everything, everything".
  • A double-sided bookmark by Little Inklings Design which quotes: "If you're going to live you might as well do painful, brave, and beautiful things" - Jenifer Zentner (Serpent King) and "And in that moment, I swear we were infinite" - Stephen Chbosky (The Perks of Being a Wallflower"
  • An exclusive striking blue  tote bag designed by Bookworm Boutique  that says "Don't let the muggles get you down" - Ron Weasley 
  • A bookmark from Kasie West
  • An exclusive candle from Novelly Yours, which smells sooooo good! I've almost finished it and I'm trying not to use it as much because I don't want it to run out just yet.
  • An exclusive planner from (  ). I've been thinking about buying a planner to organize my days even better this year, so I'm glad there was one included already. I love it! It has a weekly planner and a calendar. Each month has a quote, and it even has a place to put your list of books read! 
  • The book of the month is Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills. Here's the summary: Foolish Hearts Summary. I had a very fun time reading it. It was adorable and the book was very funny. I would recommend it.
  • Included with the book was a signed bookplate by Emma Mills, a heart patch that says Foolish Hearts and a pin.
Overall, I really liked my first book subscription box! 
Here's the link to OwlCrate, for you to check out if you want to get one as well. 

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Twisted Truths, Book Review

Twisted Truths by Rebecca Zanetti

Rate: 5/5
Goodreads Summary:
You can't escape the past . . .

Noni is desperate. Her infant niece has been kidnapped, and the only person who can save her is a private detective with too many secrets to count--and more enemies than he can name.

 A man who walked away from Noni without any warning a year ago, 
a man who broke her heart. But with Talia's life on the line, Noni needs his help now more than ever
--and this time, she won't take no for an answer...
The moment Denver Jones sees Noni, the memories come rushing back. The fire in her eyes. The determination in her voice. The danger of having her in his life. Denver had to push her away once,
but now with vicious criminals threatening Noni and her niece,
 he'll do whatever it takes to protect them. But enemies from his past are circling, and they'll use anything--and anyone--to get to Denver.

Thank you HBG HBG Canada, for providing me a copy of Twisted Truths! I wouldn't have been introduced to Rebecca Zanetti's amazing books had I not received the copy. 

Thoughts and Opinions:
            When I received the book, I did not know that it was the 3rd and last installment of the whole series, and I didn't want to read the book without having to read the rest of the series just yet. So I did. I started reading Ryker's story first, then Heath's... But then I found myself curious about the Dean brothers, and I didn't want the whole story to end just yet, so I started to read Shane's story, then Matt's, then Nate's and finally Jory's... FINALLY,  I couldn't wait any longer and I finally decided to read this. 
            I can say that it was a bittersweet moment because I'm on the last book of the series, and they're finally gonna deal with Dr. Madison and Sheriff Hobbs. But at the same time, it's the last book of the series. Basically, this book is about Denver (and his brothers, Ryker and Heath) who are super soldiers created by Dr. Madison. Denver met Noni, while he was on an undercover mission for his firm, Lost Bastards, a PI company run by him and his brothers. He left Noni because he thought he was "protecting her", but obviously, he still cared for her and vice versa. Noni's niece, Talia, was taken by her dad who's part of a gang. She needed the help she could get, so she went to her last hope of finding help: Denver. However, this was not good for the Jones brothers who are trying to keep it low key, so Denver goes to Noni's rescue. And so the story begins.
            I loved the whole aspect of family and the close bond the characters have with each other; all of the super soldiers created considering each other family. It's honestly so sweet and I think is what made the whole entire series (both Sin Brothers and Blood Brothers) so so worth it. I also loved the whole fighting in it. I didn't expect to read about genetically created super soldiers, but I'm glad I did because I loved the whole aspect of it; family, loyalty, the fighting, and the banter. I also enjoyed reading the other characters show up // or just being in the background. I also liked the bond between Zara, Anya, and Noni, how they easily bonded. It's literally the family goals, I want in the future (minus all the crazy supersoldiers, that is).
            Although the timeline is kind of rushed, it makes sense because of all the danger that they were in and there was a lot of suspense and action, which I usually don't see in contemporary books, so it was a plus for me. I honestly could not find any problems that I didn't like. 
            Overall, I enjoyed the whole book and the whole series,  I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes action and romance.