Sunday 19 February 2017

P.S. I Like You, Book Review

P.S. I Like You, by Kasie West

Rate: 4/5
Goodreads Summary:
Signed, sealed, delivered…
While spacing out in chemistry class, Lily scribbles some of her favorite song lyrics onto her desk. The next day, she finds that someone has continued the lyrics on the desk and added a message to her. Intrigue!
Soon, Lily and her anonymous pen pal are exchanging full-on letters—sharing secrets, recommending bands, and opening up to each other. Lily realizes she’s kind of falling for this letter writer. Only, who is he? As Lily attempts to unravel the mystery and juggle school, friends, crushes, and her crazy family, she discovers that matters of the heart can’t always be spelled out…

Thoughts and Opinions:
          Let me start off by saying how much I enjoy reading Kasie West's books. The first book of hers I've read was the Pivot Point series. I love all her books and I was very excited when I finally decided to read this book. I have been seeing this book every where on my bookstagram and I felt like I was missing out since I haven't read it yet. So here I am, writing a review half an hour after I finished reading the book, around 2 in the morning. 
Image result for ps i like you kasie west          This book is about a girl named Lily, who is adorably awkward and has a world of her own. She listens to bands most people wouldn't usually listen to or do things that people would think was "weird". She also has a very adorable sense of humour that most people who really know her only understand. Not to mention, she is also an aspiring song writer. Everywhere she goes, she carries her notebook around with her where she has ideas and half finished songs written, along with some doodles. Chemistry isn't her best subject so during this period, she usually spends time writing song lyrics on her notebook or doodling. That is until her chemistry teacher calls her out about it and tells her that she needs to get her grades up and that he doesn't want to see her notebook out in class and has to provide him a sheet with notes by the end of each class. Trying really hard to focus, she couldn't help but write something, so she writes a lyric on her desk instead. The next day, she notices that someone has also written on the desk, it was the next line of the previous lyrics that she wrote down. Eventually, she and the mystery pen pal exchange notes through papers and letters. As the days go by, she can't help but feel compelled and intrigued by the mystery pen pal.
          I think one of the reasons as to why I liked this book is because of Lily's character. I can relate to her awkwardness because that is me in school and pretty much anytime I have to "socialise" with people. It also didn't hurt that I love love love her sarcastic sense of humour. Even though I already predicted who her anonymous pen pal is (which I got right btw!) I still wanted to read it. I was curious as to how everything would turn out because our MC is very unpredictable and anything can happen in books. I was amused by all the idea of the book and I regardless of the fact that the romance part of it it may be unrealistic. However, it contains the craziness of life and the fact that not everything goes the way as planned which made the book even better. The book contains the idealism of family and how we all want to have that "normal" family like in those perfect Hollywood shows, but this book showed that every family is different and there are no such thing as "normal". It shows how communication is really important, things can get lost in translation and the only way of dealing with it is through facing it head on. 
         As much as I enjoyed this book, I couldn't give it a 5. I feel like I was left with the cliff hanger. I needed to know more of what happens after the book. Did they end up together after highschool? Did she get into the school she wanted? Did she win the contest? So many unanswered questions! But what I really really want to know is how her song sounds. I want to hear what it must've sounded with a guitar and what the tune would've been. Overall, I found this book very cute and it didn't even matter that the story is clichĂ© or unrealistic, because I feel like Kasie West did a great job at writing and expressing the story.

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