Sunday 25 September 2016

7 Contemporary books you should read

Books I Highly Recommend

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Okay, so I've decided to do something different today. Instead of a review, I have decided to list my top 7 contemporary books (this was a tough decision because I've mostly been recently reading contemporaries and I've loved every single one of them) and I highly urge you to read them! *These are not in any particular order.*

Books and More's list of recommendation:
  • Colleen Hoover Books
Image may contain: one or more people   Okay, so basically, if you have not read or heard any of Colleen Hoover's books, YOU.ARE.MISSING.OUT. Each of her books are amazing. As you may or may not know [those who follow me on instagram should ! Ha, shamelessly advertising my instagram.. What can you do, a girl's gotta try. Amirite? ;)] I went on a binge read with all her books in the past week and I honestly cried throughout majority of her books. The first book I've ever read that she wrote, was Slammed. Basically a story about two people who wants to be together but can't because life gets in the way, life just kept getting in the damn way [ winking at people who've read the book and saw what I just did ;)) ] I really liked the poetry in it. Then a friend of mine asked me if I've read any of her other books, and since I liked Slammed, I decided why the heck not. So I went on to my little adventure and after reading Ugly Love, I was on a reading slump because it emotionally drained me. I think I drained out my well of tears. But then I read November 9 and well ... was on another reading slump because the same thing happened. The same routine happened until I've decided to take a break because I don't think I could go through any more of torture ( because liking books and hating them for making you like it so much should be a crime). I think what made me like the books even more is the songs that went along with it. In case you didn't know, I'm now letting you know (because I don't think it's okay that you've been in the dark about songs from books that make you feel feels) Colleen Hoover teamed up with Griffin Peterson who's been singing songs from her books and sort of like a soundtrack. LET ME JUST TELL YOU, THEY ARE AMAZING AND THE TUNES ARE VERY CATCHY. IT MAKES THE BOOK MORE SPECIAL BECAUSE IT HAS A SONG MADE FOR IT. AND YOU CAN PEACEFULLY (NOT REALLY PEACEFUL BECAUSE YOUR HEART STARTS GOING CRAZY) LISTEN TO IT AND START CRYING BECAUSE YOU ARE HUMAN AND YOUR EMOTIONS GET THE BEST OF YOU!!! I really didn't mean this "little blurb" to be long, but the bottom line is, READ HER BOOKS.

  • Every Last Word, by Tamara Ireland Stone
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Every Last Word is a book about a girl named Sam who has OCD. She has to continually put on a façade around her popular friends. That is until she discovers a place called the "Poet's Corner". She makes a lot of friends including Caroline. And the rest is yours to find out. There was a plot twist that I didn't see coming and it kind of just caught me off guard but that made my emotions go crazier. The book contained poems and I loved every single one of them. I will never be able to write an amazing piece, but I still love them no matter what. It's such a good read, it's about friends and finding friendship in places you wouldn't usually find them. She befriends people who she's seen around school and didn't pay much attention to, until now. It's easy to relate with the book, especially the part where Sam hangs out with the wrong people and their mindset is kind of closed off, whereas Sam's amazing brain has spread their own wings [what a crappy analogy, but you get the point] and discovered a lot of new things. I also want you to give this book a try, because you're missing out. Another note: there's a book boyfriend worthy character in here that you'll love.

  • The Problem With Forever, by Jennifer L. Armentrout

No automatic alt text available.You've probably heard of her famous Lux series [ if not that's okay because I haven't read it either, nor did I know that it was the same author.. I got to work on these things *sigh*]. Anyways, this book, The Problem With Forever is also by her. It's a contemporary book [ gee thanks captain obvious ] about a girl named Mallory, aka Mouse, who hasn't really been verbal the last couple of years. She's went through some rough times during her childhood, which is what her therapist believes to be the reason why she is silent and does not talk. Even though she may not be able to speak out loud, she is actually very bright on the inside. She can carve things out of soap, and her thoughts and opinions are well thought out. She then gets adopted by a loving family and was home schooled, that is until she decides to take the next step and spend her senior year at a public high school. She runs into her childhood friend, Rider Stark, and things between them begin to spark [pun intended]. Something happens in the book that transforms our MC from being Mouse, to Mallory. It's a really fun read, there were parts in the book where I was just like "Same, Mallory, I feel you" and start laughing at her inexperiences because it literally is me in real life. Rider, is also a sweet and says things at the right time it's kinda hard not to fall in love with him too.

  • Beautiful Disaster [Beautiful Series], by Jamie McGuire
Image result for beautiful disaster
This book is about Abby Abernathy and Travis Maddox. Travis joins fights and that's how he makes money, he is also undeniably hot and is known for his status for sleeping with a lot of girls. They meet during one of his fights and thus begins his nickname for Abby; Pidge. They have a bet where if Travis loses, he must remain abstinent for a month, and if she loses, she has to stay in his apartment for a month. This is how their love story begins. This is such a good book, I read it a while back and I loved it so much. There have been a lot of ups and downs about their relationship, but they still manage too stay strong and stay together. Travis and his family is so adorable, that right after I finished this series, I had to read the rest o the Maddox's story [which you should also definitely read]. Beautiful disaster is all through Abby's POV and Walking Disaster (second book) is through Travis's POV, including the third book (more like a novella) called Beautiful Wedding. I cried so much when reading this novella because the wedding was truly beautiful and Travis was being a great boyfriend goals I couldn't handle it. There are quite a lot of things going on in here, but it's soooo addictive and very compelling. Abby is so smart and she isn't like most of the MCs where they are completely clueless. I had no problems with her and her character. I can't wait for the next part of the series, it's called Beautiful Funeral, and I can't wait because I love each and everyone of  them so much. If you are currently in a reading slump, read this, because it will bring you over and out [been watching too much of Stranger Things] that slump

  • To All The Boys I've Loved Before, by Jenny Han
I will be very surprised if you have not read this book yet. So basically, the story of this book is about our main character Lara Jean and her love letters. Every time she gets over her crush, she writes them a love letter telling them about her feelings for them and why she liked them. These letters are only for her, sort of like a proof that she got over them and writing it out makes it feel official so she never really ends up sending them. She keeps them on this shoe box that I believe is from her mom or was given to her by her mom [ read the book to find out *wink* ]. That is until one of the people she wrote the letter to approaches her about it. And there goes the story of the book. Lara-Jean was hilarious through out the book. She reacted the way I would've reacted if it was me in her place. Not to mention Peter Kavinsky. He is such a sweetie. He's one of those characters who looks like he doesn't care, but he actually does. The way they come together was crazy even from the very beginning, but I love it. This is a unique contemporary book.

  • Rainbow Rowell Books
No automatic alt text available.Another book(s) on my list would be books written by Rainbow Rowell. She is an amazing author and her books are very relatable. The first ever book I have read by her was Eleanor & Park. It was such a great book and it meant a lot to me. The story is both through both Eleanor and Park's POV. Eleanor just moved in with her mom and her step dad, she didn't like it there because she had to go to a new school and her stepdad was rude and didn't even treat her mom right. Meanwhile, Park's family is the opposite. They first meet on the first day of school at the bus since Eleanor did not know where to sit and therefore Park offered her to sit beside him. They bonded through music and comic books. I fell in love with this book because even though it was a love story, it wasn't the typical popular guy meets unpopular-girl-but-is-really-pretty-so-it-cancells-the-not-popular-part kind of story. There is a twist in it and it broke my heart because it was crappy and I would be scared and out of my mind if it happened to me. I've also read Fangirl and it kinda reminds me of right now. Blogging. [even though Cath's way of blogging is better than this]. I recommend you to read Rainbow Rowell's books because they are so relatable [that's not even a word, but it makes sense] and are realistic. They aren't the typical romance contemporary books [as great as they are, we all know how that trope can get too tiring and predictable] It's really easy to get into them and I hope that you would give it a try. 

  • All The Bright Places, by Jennifer Niven
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This is one of my favourite reads this summer. I really enjoyed it and I cried because Finch was such a great character it was hard not to fall in love with him. This book talks about depression and mental illness. It's through Theodore Finch and Violet Markey's POV. Finch knows that he's not like other people, but he still accepted and embraced that and even went out of his way to be as "weird" as he possibly can. Violet and Finch met at an unusual place, they met at the school's bell tower [ I believe it was the bell tower, I can't remember].What were they doing there? I guess you'd have to read to find out. *wink* .They end up working together for a school project where they have to go around the state to look for "natural wonders" and write a report about it. They go on an adventure and it made me want to go explore my province too because I haven't really gone anywhere nor have I seen all the places it has to offer. This book is unique because they go through the same things, but their POV of the situation is very different. This book is loaded with serious and heart to heart moments, funny moments, what it's like to have mental illness, meeting people who will change you, and falling in love. The characters are great and they are the kind of people you wish you had in your life, especially Finch. I really don't want to say more, but if you do decide on reading it, I advice you now, have some kleenex near you just in case. 

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