Sunday 4 September 2016

November 9 Review

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November 9, by Colleen Hoover
Book Review

Rating: 5/5
Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon’s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year on November 9. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist for his novel.

For the past two weeks, I've been binge reading Colleen Hoover's books. I don't know why I chose to, but I'm glad I did because it's the best idea I've had since ... a while.
Going into this book, I was expecting tears and heart break, mostly because I previously read Ugly Love by CoHo and because CoHo wrote the book, it's pretty much guaranteed that there'll be tears included.

There were a couple things I noticed about the book and my thoughts about it.

1. The instant attraction Ben and Fallon had
  • Usually, it would bother me when this happens because really? EVERY SINGLE ROMANCE BOOKS HAVE THIS PLOT. Even though I noticed this, I didn't really mind because they're gonna see each other every year so might as well feel all those emotions if you'll only be with them a day out of the 365 days of the year.

2. Fallon's great idea of moving all the way to New York
  • I'm not great at US geography (or geography in general) but I'm going to imagine that's a huge distance between LA to New York. Keep in mind that she's going by herself especially since her father won't even support her decision. I admire that of her because I don't think I'll be able to do that. Heck I don't even know how to take the bus (mostly because I stay home and because I'm scared to).

3. Fallon's obedience to her mom's advice
  • I loved how Fallon was taking her mom's advice to heart. Personally, I agree with her mom's lesson because it is easy to get lost and carried away especially if there's a lot of things to distract you with. So props for her.

4. BEN
  • Benton James Kessler. What's there not to love? The way he made Fallon feel good and those compliments. Where can I get my own Ben?? He was so nice and sweet and just perfect.

So yes overall, I loved this book. There were parts of it where I totally lost it.
On the November 9 where Fallon surprised Ben by showing up on his front door when Kyle died. I was floored. I mean who does that?! And when Ben took her to his room and cried on her shoulder?? It was hard to hold back the dam. Then when they did the deed, I cried some more (yeah, it's kind of weird that I cried, but it was just so emotional) .. And when Ben was like asking if they could just stop meeting every November 9 and be together, but she said no, I couldn't even breathe anymore.

But then there was a short break where everything was okay (for now).


Up to the moment where we find out that everything was connected and that everything Ben has been through was actually for nothing, but that it was too late because his emotions were clouded that night. Finally, when everything was explained in his book, it made everything else they've been through worth it because they were meant to be and that they deserve each other.

Overall, the plot was really good. It isn't like any books I've read (except for the whole love at first sight part). It has a lot of emotions and the characters were easy to love. This is an important key to a book because, it is really hard to love a book especially when you cannot understand where the character comes from or what their thoughts are about certain things. There were a lot of valuable advice in the book as well. I could not agree more about how important it is to finding yourself. It is important and seeing how this point is applied into the book, it was even better. Colleen Hoover is such an amazing author. I can't wait to see more of her works in the future.

In conclusion, if you somehow missed what I was saying due to my not-so-professional-review, I highly recommend this book to anyone who is currently on a reading stump because this will totally take you out of it.. But then be the reason for another reading stump because you're going to be on a post-CoHo hangover.

Also side note in reference to Ugly Love:
So when  Kyle died, people were coming to the house including Ian's friend and his wife. His friend's name is Miles and Miles' wife's name is Tate.. Yes as in Miles Archer the pilot from Ugly Love. In November 9, we find out that Ian is a pilot.. Meanwhile in Ugly Love, we also know that Miles is a pilot and his very close friend is Ian since they grew up together and they're both pilots. So that fact blew my mind and made me appreciate Colleen Hoover more bc that was very sneaky of her.

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