Wednesday 24 August 2016

First Ever Review!

To All The Boys I've Loved Before

About the book: To All The Boys I've Loved Before 
Stars: 4/5

Quick Recap:
Lara Jean didn't have much going on when it came to love life, well, except maybe in her imaginations. When she find a boy she loves, she writes them secret love letters where she pours out her deepest thought and feelings but later keeps them in a hatbox  her mother once gave her.  Her letters are meant to be for her eyes only, but when all her crushes received her love letter, one for each boy she loved, her love live goes from imagination to out of control. 


Let me tell about how I went from "contemporary books don't give you feelings," into " Oh my gosh! PETER KAVINSKY!" I wasn't into much contemporary books but when my cousin finished the book, she was basically in love. Sadly, it took me a whole year to borrow the book from her and finally read it. At first, there wasn't much going on but I still liked it. It all started when Peter Kavinsky confronted her about her letter, that's when it all started. Lara Jean found out that all her  love letters have been sent out, that's when her secrets weren't secrets anymore. The biggest problem she had was Josh, her sister, Margot's ex-boyfriend. Lara Jean wrote a love letter to Josh and she doesn't know what to do because he's the only one she still cares about. Margot had just left for college and she doesn't know that her sister and her ex-boyfriend already created a problem. 

Lara Jean had no interest in talking to Josh about this whole situation especially since Margot just broke up with Josh before she left. She didn't want anything to do with her letters, when Josh tries to talk to her about it, she fakes an excuse telling him she had a boyfriend and her first move was running up to Peter and madly kissing him. Yep, totally what I would do in real life (not). This is how Peter and Lara Jean started their fake relationship, they agreed on having a fixed and arranged "relationship". Both wanted something out of it, Lara Jean wanted Josh to forget about her letter and Peter wanted to get over his ex-girlfriend, Genevieve who used to be BFF's with Lara Jean. 

Months pass by and they still kept their relationship, they spent time together as a normal couple would but while they were busy faking, they didn't realize they were developing real genuine feelings about each other. By now, Lara Jean already got over Josh and Peter likes Lara Jean. As time passed, they finally shared their feeling towards each other and despite that they both got what they wanted from their fake relationship, they still continued. With a love triangle between Peter, Lara Jean and Genevieve, Peter and Lara Jean experience their first big problem as a couple. Fast forward, in the end of the book, they were in a ski trip for school and they basically made-out in the hot tub making their relationship official and exclusive! Goodbye Genevieve! 


Okay so I the book was really good in my opinion. When Lara Jean didn't want to talk about the letter with Josh, I just wanted to yell, "just talk to him!" but then as I read the book, I realized Peter and Lara Jean wouldn't be a couple if she talked to Josh so I got over it. I totally ship Peter and Lara Jean, I love how Lara Jean isn't the type of girls who rushes into relationship, 

I liked their father a lot because he seemed responsible and pretty chill, he raised three wonderful daughters on his own! Margot is like the role model in the family, although I wished she was a little more laid back. Kitty, Oh my! she's adorable, I love how she braids Lara Jean's hair when she asks and I like her humor a lot! About Josh, I shipped him and Lara Jean at first but then in the end I just wanted him back with Margot.

This book is one of the book I've read where I wasn't annoyed by the main character, if you know what I mean. It was really good that I had to read the second book, which is P.S I Still Love You, the second book was really good too! I also loved how Peter didn't care that Lara Jean wasn't the prettiest girl, he found a way to like her the way she is even with his popularity and oh my, even with the school drama and gossip. Genevieve, hmmm, I didn't really care much about her in the beginning  but in some part of the book I just wanted to punch her, sorry for the aggressive language but she's really mean, like, mean girls kind of way.

I enjoyed reading this because the characters were really well described and they weren't too annoying. It was easy to connect with them and Lara Jean's point of view was somewhat fair to those and it mirrors what I would've felt if I was in the same situation.

Comment your thoughts on P.S I still love you by Jenny Han! 

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