Friday 27 October 2017

Frostblood Book Review

Frostblood by Ellie Blake

Rating: 3/5
Goodreads Summary:
The frost king will burn.

Seventeen-year-old Ruby is a Fireblood who has concealed her powers of heat and flame from the cruel Frostblood ruling class her entire life. But when her mother is killed trying to protect her, and rebel Frostbloods demand her help to overthrow their bloodthirsty king, she agrees to come out of hiding, desperate to have her revenge.

Despite her unpredictable abilities, Ruby trains with the rebels and the infuriating—yet irresistible—Arcus, who seems to think of her as nothing more than a weapon. But before they can take action, Ruby is captured and forced to compete in the king’s tournaments that pit Fireblood prisoners against Frostblood champions. Now she has only one chance to destroy the maniacal ruler who has taken everything from her—and from the icy young man she has come to love.

Before I continue writing this review, I want to apologize to HBG Canada because they sent me an ARC of this a while back and I haven't gotten around to writing a review until now, I am thankful for the copy, but very sorry I've been a terrible reviewer. I'll do better.

Thoughts and Opinions:
Image result for frostblood         Basically, this book is about a girl, Ruby who is a Fireblood, a person with the ability to control fire and produce fire. They are being hunted by the King's men who is a Frostblood, someone who controls ice. She gets captured, but then gets saved by people who she eventually gets used to and that's when things start to develop. 
         I liked the fantasy part of the book; magic and the power. But the other parts?.. It was kinda similar to most YA book plots. It was a bit predictable for me, but I did enjoy it nonetheless. I liked the both the MC's banters and comments to each other, it was pretty much the highlight of the book. I hoped there were more interactions between the characters and that they had more character into it (ha, pun intended). It took me a while to kind of get excited, but when it did, it was brief.
         I liked the arena part, it was the part in the book where things got interesting because there were a lot of things happening and action.
         Back to the topic of the fantasy part, the myths and the stories of where the Frostbloods and the Firebloods' magic came from appealed to me. Personally, I like reading tales from a backstory within books, it makes it much more interesting and the insight of how things started makes it easier to form an image and how the characters in the book got to where they were now; how things became that way and how their lives and culture changed because of that tale/myth they've been told growing up. For the most part, I genuinely did enjoy and didn't mind reading it. There were moments when it got to me, especially with this one event that happened and I may have shed a tear, but other than that, it wasn't enough to push me over the edge. It was consistent and easy to read, but it just didn't do much. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either.
          Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who's into fantasy and the characters have unique powers and they save the world. 

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