Tuesday 31 January 2017

The Mirror King, Book Review

The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows

Rate: 4/5
Goodreads Summary:
Wilhelmina has a hundred enemies.

HER FRIENDS HAVE TURNED. After her identity is revealed during the Inundation, Princess Wilhelmina is kept prisoner by the Indigo Kingdom, with the Ospreys lost somewhere in the devastated city. When the Ospreys’ leader emerges at the worst possible moment, leaving Wil’s biggest ally on his deathbed, she must become Black Knife to set things right. 
HER MAGIC IS UNCONTROLLABLE. Wil’s power is to animate, not to give true life, but in the wraithland she commanded a cloud of wraith mist to save herself, and later ordered it solid. Now there is a living boy made of wraith—destructive and deadly, and willing to do anything for her.
HER HEART IS TORN. Though she’s ready for her crown, declaring herself queen means war. Caught between what she wants and what is right, Wilhelmina realizes the throne might not even matter. Everyone thought the wraith was years off, but already it’s destroying Indigo Kingdom villages. If she can’t protect both kingdoms, soon there won’t be a land to rule.

Thoughts and Opinions:
Image result for the mirror king          This is the second book to The Orphan Queen, it starts off right where the firs book ends, so it was easy for me to catch up with what's happening. First things first, I had a fun time reading the second book, I feel like there was good character growth. I totally fell in looove with a character I wouldn't have thought I would. Wil and Tobiah, have a lot to work on in order for Wil to take her throne without any uprisings, or any troubles. The problem is that there are lots of misguided people, and one of them is the overlord of Aecor, which is Tobiah's uncle. Needless to say, they have a lot of things they need to do. Throughout the book, I was laughing because the Wraith, is literally me on some levels. I enjoyed the humour and the romance in the book.
          The plot, is another story itself. I figured that there would be issues a long the way, but I didn't expect them to be that huge of a problem. I got blindsided on 3 points in the book and I got so hooked, I couldn't put the book down. I think what made me really like this book is the ending. Yes it wasn't what I would've wanted it to end, but I love that the author was willing to make that extra step to deliver a big ending. So, overall, I loved the whole series and I think that Jodi Meadows did a really good job tying the loose ends.

Monday 30 January 2017

The Orphan Queen, Book Review

The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows

Rate: 3.5/5
Goodreads Summary:
Wilhelmina has a hundred identities.
She is a princess. When the Indigo Kingdom conquered her homeland, Wilhelmina and other orphaned children of nobility were taken to Skyvale, the Indigo Kingdom’s capital. Ten years later, they are the Ospreys, experts at stealth and theft. With them, Wilhelmina means to take back her throne. She is a spy. Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate Skyvale Palace to study their foes. They assume the identities of nobles from a wraith-fallen kingdom, but enemies fill the palace, and Melanie’s behavior grows suspicious. With Osprey missions becoming increasingly dangerous and their leader more unstable, Wil can’t trust anyone.

She is a threat. Wraith is the toxic by-product of magic, and for a century using magic has been forbidden. Still the wraith pours across the continent, reshaping the land and animals into fresh horrors. Soon it will reach the Indigo Kingdom. Wilhelmina’s magic might be the key to stopping the wraith, but if the vigilante Black Knife discovers Wil’s magic, she will vanish like all the others.
Jodi Meadows introduces a vivid new fantasy full of intrigue, romance, dangerous magic, and one girl’s battle to reclaim her place in the world.

Thoughts and Opinions:

Image result for orphan queen          Before reading the series, I read all the novellas. I wanted to get a sense of how things started and how everything will play out. I was sort of confused with all the "wraith" talk and the things happening in the book. The novellas were about Black Knife and how his journey started. It gave me a background knowledge about The Nameless Girl as well. So when I finally read Orphan Queen, I couldn't help but feel like I'm part of a secret, a secret about knowing who Black Knife is and The Nameless Girl.
          To sum it up, this book is about a group of orphans who were trained with combat and the skills that you would want to have when living in the streets. Wil, the MC is trying to take back her kingdom and claim her rightful place as the Queen of Aecor, however, she and her Ospreys have a lot of groundwork laid out for them to do. As she spends more time in the Palace, she meets this vigilante named Black Knife. He goes out at night stopping glowmen ( people who are transformed by this drug called "firefly" or "shine" that temporarily make them feel what they want to feel, however, it is very addictive and it transforms them, thus creating glowmen). During her stay in the Palace and getting to know more behind the scenes of what's going on, Wil discovers that there's more to just simply reclaiming her kingdom, she has to take into account the wraith, a fog-like thing hovering over lands that cause destruction. The more magic is used, the more it attracts the wraith. Things get complicated and in the end, she has to make a decision that's different from what she was taught growing up. Thus creating more havoc and more action for us to find out.
          I loved loved loved this series. I've decided to start reading more sci-fi and adventure to expand my boundaries. I am glad I decided to choose this. Jodi Meadows did such an amazing job writing this book. The MC, Wilhelmina, in my opinion is a great character. She doesn't just sit and act pretty, she actually gets involved and do something. The story line is also quite interesting itself. It contains drama, romance and very cool magic abilities, it also doesn't hurt that it is hilarious and that the MCs have great sense of humour. It contains characters that you want to strangle because they make you mad, and there are moments where you're just like "I wonder what's happening in *insert character's name*'s mind". The ending, however is a cliff hanger, but that's a good thing the second book is out, because you would want to read it right away.

Who would I recommend it to?
          I would recommend it to anyone looking for a new sci-fi read. Like I said, this book has witty responses, banters, awkward moments and interesting things all in one.  

Sunday 29 January 2017

A Million Worlds With You, Book Review

A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray
Rate: 4/5
Goodreads Summary:

A million universes. A million dangers. One destiny.

The fate of the multiverse rests in Marguerite Caine’s hands. Marguerite has been at the center of a cross-dimensional feud since she first traveled to another universe using her parents’ invention, the Firebird. Only now has she learned the true plans of the evil Triad Corporation—and that those plans could spell doom for dozens or hundreds of universes, each facing total annihilation.

Paul Markov has always been at Marguerite’s side, but Triad’s last attack has left him a changed man—angry and shadowed by tragedy. He struggles to overcome the damage done to him, but despite Marguerite’s efforts to help, Paul may never be the same again.

So it’s up to Marguerite alone to stop the destruction of the multiverse. Billions of lives are at stake. The risks have never been higher. And Triad has unleashed its ultimate weapon: another dimension’s Marguerite—wicked, psychologically twisted, and always one step ahead.

Thoughts and Opinions:
Image result for a million worlds with you          The more I read the series, the more I fell in love. After finishing the second book, I was eager to start this. After the cliff hanger, I was really happy I decided to read the series after all the books were published because I don't think I could've waited that long to find out what happens next.
          Claudia Gray created so many worlds and different ideas and she managed to put them all in one book. I had a great time reading and experiencing different "what ifs" and possibilities. I think after reading this book, I am starting to believe the idea that multiple dimensions and universes do exist. The characters throughout the book continued to grow, especially Triadverse Theo. As much as the love triangle and constant decisions made by Marguerite between  Berkley Theo and Paul, I was glad it got settled properly. I also enjoyed having Wicked. I think that it was a good story line to follow because it only made it fair that both Theo and Paul have these bad sides to them and that it also made sense for Marguerite to have one as well. I loved the part where they all gathered and had a conference.
          Even though I enjoyed reading the book, I was a bit disappointed by the ending. It feels as if it was missing more of the action. I was hoping for a bit more. But overall, I enjoyed the series and the whole book. A lot of things happened and at some point it got really overwhelming (in the good way) and it was a stellar ending to a fantastic series. 

Monday 23 January 2017

Ten Thousand Skies Above You, Book Review

Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray
Rate: 4/5
Goodreads Summary:

Ever since she used the Firebird, her parents' invention, to cross into alternate dimensions, Marguerite has caught the attention of enemies who will do anything to force her into helping them dominate the multiverse—even hurting the people she loves. She resists until her boyfriend, Paul, is attacked and his consciousness scattered across multiple dimensions. 

Marguerite has no choice but to search for each splinter of Paul’s soul. The hunt sends her racing through a war-torn San Francisco, the criminal underworld of New York City, and a glittering Paris where another Marguerite hides a shocking secret. Each world brings Marguerite one step closer to rescuing Paul. But with each trial she faces, she begins to question the destiny she thought they shared. 

**I tried to write this review with no spoilers, but if you want to check out a more thorough review, go to my goodreads page: A Thousand Skies Above You

Thoughts and Opinions:
Image result for ten thousand skies above you
          After reading the first book, I was excited to read the second book. Right at the beginning, the book was already at the "what" portion of the plot. As the book went on, unfortunately, I got annoyed with Marguerite. She was kind of full of her self with all the 'destiny' talking. I got really annoyed with the whole love triangle as well. The fact that Theo is still pursuing her and her leading him on. I had mixed feelings because obviously it was just adding more complicated drama. At some point I got over it because the "action" part or "adventure" part of the book took over and everything was just better. I also liked how the book was close to being realistic as it can. In the book, the consequences of Marguerite and the rest of the characters' actions are finally catching up to them. It gave the rest of the characters a chance to grow, especially Marguerite and Theo, in my opinion. I fell in love with Paul and honestly am grateful for Claudia Gray for creating a character that I just "aaaawwwwwww" *heart eye emoji*. As for the plot, I really didn't expect much plot twists because, I was naive thinking: Okay, everyone wants to ruin each other .. How bad can it get? Ya well.. now I understand the saying "Be careful what you wish for".. Because it did get bad. Fortunately, it is the kind of bad that makes the book better and I really couldn't handle anymore plot twists. In all the science talks and huge scientific words, I could barely keep up, imagine what my small brain must've felt when a lot of plot twists got thrown into the book too. Although, I am warning you, if you ever read this book, watch out for the ending because it will mess you up. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the second book. I was debating on giving it 3.5/5 while reading the book, but then Claudia redeemed herself in the end and left the book on a good note .. okay not really, but it was able to leave a lasting impression on my mind.

Who would I recommend it to?
          I would recommend this to anyone who likes sci-fi with lots of science talk. If you're in a reading slump, I suggest you read this because it'll help you get over it. 

Monday 16 January 2017

A Thousand Pieces of You, Book Review

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

Rate: 4/5
Goodreads Summary:
Cloud Atlas meets Orphan Black in this epic dimension-bending trilogy by New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray about a girl who must chase her father's killer through multiple dimensions.

Marguerite Caine's physicist parents are known for their groundbreaking achievements. Their most astonishing invention, called the Firebird, allows users to jump into multiple 

universes—and promises to revolutionize science forever. But then Marguerite's father is murdered, and the killer—her parent's handsome, enigmatic assistant Paul— escapes into another dimension before the law can touch him. Marguerite refuses to let the man who destroyed her family go free.
 So she races after Paul through different universes, always leaping into another version of herself. But she also meets alternate versions of the people she knows—including Paul, whose life entangles with hers in increasingly familiar ways. Before long she begins to question 
Paul's guilt—as well as her own heart. And soon she discovers the truth behind her father's death is far more sinister than she expected.
A Thousand Pieces of You explores an amazingly intricate multi-universe where fate is unavoidable, the truth elusive, and love the greatest mystery of all.

Thoughts & Opinions:
          Lately, I've been telling myself to take it easy on reading cause I've been reading the books on my phone. So essentially, I've been spending a lot of time looking at my phone and doing nothing. I've been focusing more on reading and less on my school work, so I really needed to take a step back. But then I also wanted to be able to read and do my work at the same time, so I decided to read this because I've been seeing it everywhere (and that the cover is very compelling). So here I am, at 12:41 a.m. writing a review because I just finished the book and I needed to write it down before I loose all the feels.
Image result for a thousand pieces of you
          My first initial thoughts about this book was that it's fantasy. I've been reading contemporary romance books lately so it's taken me a while to get into fantasy books unless it's really interesting. That being said, I was hoping to like this book but I was not expecting to finish it in two days. 
          At first, I was really confused about what's happening, but I kept reading and easily caught up after the first couple chapters. Then the fun began. I really liked the idea of the book. I liked how there are different fantasy ideas and worlds all in one book, it's like those 3 in 1 product deals. The concept of the book is really good as well. I liked the idea of travelling through different dimensions and still turn out fine, none of the time travelling things that would disrupt the timeline and all that.. Usually, Most books would focus on romance which is good.. at times, but if it is a fantasy book, it should focus more on that instead of the romance. and this book did that: it stayed on topic. In addition, the content of the book is about family and those relationships you form around you. There are a handful of books that do that and I honestly applaud Claudia Gray for adding all those aspects in this book. 
          As for the characters, I loved all of them (PPAAUULLL!!!!!!). They did not annoy me like most MC do. Although, I did not like the love triangle part. I feel like Theo needs his own love interest and it just adds more unnecessary drama in my opinion. As for the plot, the problem for most readers is that if you read too much, you get used to all the plot points and ideas and some of them get repetitive. This book on the other hand, I had a feeling knew what was going to happen for the half of it, and I was right, but getting to that point of the book still became as a shock because even though it was foreseeable, it still made me feel feels. Until that one part of the book, which I just couldn't keep up. 
          Overall, I really enjoyed this book and it was refreshing. I can't wait to read the rest of the series. 

Who would I recommend it to?
          I would recommend it to anyone who likes to read dystopia, someone who wants to read something new, or if you're on a book slump and need to get out of it. 

Friday 13 January 2017

First Blogpost of 2017!!

Sooo .. It's been a while. 

First things in order...

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       I've been really MIA since last year on here and on Instagram, which I am sorry about. I'm not the best at time management, which is what I am trying to work on this year. I want to start getting more involved and active on here. That being said, I have been reading books anytime I can, but I just don't update them on Goodreads or even post any pics. We all know the process of taking photos and posting them on Instagram isn't easy. So, one of my New Years resolution is to be more engaged and get back into the book world. Yaayy! 

This means...
       I will try to have an update once a week, so that'd be four blogposts per month. For the next few blog updates, I will be reviewing books that were sent to me by HBG Canada *wwwhooott*. I will also try to schedule times for when I will take photoshoots for well .. books. So make sure to go check my page! (@boooksanddmoree).  I'm really excited for 2017, I'm going to try harder this year. 
